Referral Forms and Downloads

Download forms for Independent Advocacy NE 

Click on the links below to download the forms that suit you best. 


For further information about us, see our leaflet.

Referral Forms

and information leaflets

The following referral forms are available below; generic, Care Act, IMCA and IMHA

IANE Referral Form 

Please complete and return this form for a request for IANE advocacy services. 

CARE ACT Referral Form 

To be completed by a Social Worker and in regards to Assessment, Care Review, Care Plan or Safeguarding.

IMCA Referral Form

If you require support from the Independent Mental Capacity Advocacy service, please fill out this form.

Or if you would like further information about IMCA, please see our leaflet about the service.

IMCA - Making Decisions Booklet

The Mental Capacity Implementation Programme published this booklet. It was written by Sue Lee at Speaking Up.


If you require the Independent Mental Health Advocacy Service for North Tyneside please complete an IMHA referral form. 

Or if you would like further information about IMHA, please see our leaflet about the service.

IANE Spot Contract Referral Form 

Spot Contract referral for local authorities 


For further information about volunteering with us, see our volunteer leaflet and pack.

Annual Report

Our annual report of 2024 is available here.